
With the abundance of information out there, I am glad that you somehow found your way to my site! Well, if nothing else you will at least have some fun going through my web-life rendered here.

As weird as it sounds, sometimes I lookup people with my exact first and last names and see what they are up to. There is one Sanket Desai who apparently is a professional Poker Player in Las Vegas (Insert link here) and probably has quite exciting life than me. Out of probably 12 Sanket Desais that I could find, if you were looking for an introvert, studious and ambitious (already getting bored 🥱 ) Sanket then you did come to the right place! Well, I wish I could use adjectives like passionate, cool, rich and fun-loving to describe me!

Apart from procrastinating, over-thinking, following stock prices and watching Seinfield, I wake up every day with the hope of making through the day without any issues and sleep every night with the dream of making big the next day! To feed myself and survive, I work as a Software Engineer for Google Search 🥱 . Specifically focusing on performance, latency and scalability for templating and styling used in (Sounds pessimistic so far? Don't worry it is not that bad!).


(No kidding! You would have definitely thought this section is going to be empty!). I love playing any sport or game which has a clear outcome at the end! (insert the cognitive behavior link here). I enjoy playing, watching and analyzing Tennis (favorite player), Cricket (favorite team) and Chess (favorite opening).

I do want to say that I enjoy traveling, but I cannot remember any trip in which I was truly happy and having the best time of my life. But when I come home after the trip and start going through all the pictures, I realize that it was indeed so much fun! Honestly, this has always been the issue and I don't know if I am the only one who has it.

I absolutely love going deep in any subject, reading, learning, researching and losing the sense of time. Although I have had very few occurrences like that (thanks to procrastination!).

I love learning new programming languages (the only interest that can help me to survive, thank god!). Solidity, Rust and Go are my recent crush.

Though I enjoy sarcasm and humor, I like having discussions about spirituality, philosophy and psychology over a glass of scotch, beer, wine, coffee or tea (in that order!).

Exploring new restaurants, cuisines and bars with friends and family are some of the best times I have ever had!